Bizarro - At the Atheist Cafe

This Bizarro comic panel made me chuckle. I'm sure you can start a flamewar simply by mentioning the A-word (indeed, Dan Piraro's blog post on this comic panel has quite a bit of comments), so why don't we just laugh a bit and carry on?

Link - For more Bizarro, check out Dan Piraro's excellent website and blog.

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I'm constantly surprised by how intolerant a nation the US is. The mention atheism in most western countries will barely raise an eyebrow. In the US it always seems to cause major arguments. What chance do you have of tolerating other's beliefs if you can't tolerate the lack of belief?

Oh and yes I'm an humanist and a taoist too.
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The joke's only funny if you don't know what atheism is.

A similar joke would be, "A Catholic cafe, where they only serve wine and wafers." Ha ha, it's funny because Catholics eat food during church, and cafes have food, you know - get it?
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It's a play on words people. Just a play on words. Of course, it just goes to show how personally people take this type of stuff. There is no room for chuckling... only a very strict and tight-ass view about the world and the inherent controlling philosophies of everything.
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