Lena's Stone Forest

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Not only is this park in the Siberian-Yakutsk region an extremely beautiful sight, but is also regarded as a historically significant area in Earth's development. The massive tree-like pillars draw tourists and paleontologists regularly, but getting there isn't easy.
Many spend a lot just to get there and to take a look. This place is where...Siberian woods stand untouched and the only way to get there is to take a four day journey from Moscow city. First, you have to take a flight so long that if you flew opposite direction you could easily come to New York...Then upon the arrival to Yakutia region, the land from where the significant part of world’s diamonds production originate from. Then from there the only way to go to this place is by a boat. Armed native individuals can offer you a “cheap” $500 trip on a small boat, so in three days you can be on spot.

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