Neatorama Update: Aug 2009

IE7 and IE8 Crashes and Hang Ups
I've received a few emails about a looping bug in some ad scripts on the blog that crashed Internet Explorer 7 and 8 (apparently, it didn't affect Firefox). I'd like to thank those of you who took the time to let me know. I think the issue is fixed - but if you still see any problems after flushing your browser's cache, please let me know. My email is simply alex at this blog's domain dot com (I'm sure you can figure it out).

Upcoming Queue
Remember that we're having a little friendly competition for the Neatorama Upcoming Queue. Top 5 Submitter (based on Front Paged submissions, not total subs) will win very cool prizes from the Neatorama Online Shop. Top submitter will get an iPod Nano, and you've still got time so get crackin'!

The frontrunners as of today:

Please read the UQ FAQ and Submission Tips to increase your chances of getting your submissions promoted to the blog's front page! Remember that copypasta submissions (that's copying and pasting stuff directly from the article) will decrease your chances of being promoted ;)

Newest 5
Newest 5 Comments

Congrats. Sadly I have not received the three that I ordered yet. I love the sale and I plan to keep doing it everytime it comes around. I've taken part in all but the first one. This is more fun than gambling.
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