Jeremy Gutsche, the founder of Trend Hunter blog, wanted the blog's Facebook Fan Page to be /trendhunter but the website doesn't allow users to switch their username. So he came up with a brilliant solution: he filed a trademark violation ... against himself!
So, I personally squatted on the /trendhunter username to make sure nobody else registered it…
The problem with this approach is that Facebook does not let users switch their username. So how could I get the Trend Hunter Fan Page to be /trendhunter?
This week I noticed that trademark owners could file trademark violation reports and secure back their trademarks… So I did.
Specifically, I filed a Trademark Violation against myself, and within a day, Facebook relinquished the username back to the trademark owner… Which, of course, is also me.
Oh and by the way, we do have our very own Neatorama Facebook Fan Page, y'know!
Um, how about closing one account and opening another under the name you want? Duh.