Derek Paravicini: The Musical Genius

Part I

Born 3-and-a-half months prematurely, Derek Paravicini was so small that his doctor presumed that he was dead. Just as his mother had given up hope, she heard the faintest whimper. To keep him alive, he was put on oxygen but improper equipment left him blind and autistic. At the tender age of 2 years old, Derek discovered the piano, and his life was never the same.

Fast forward 30 years. Derek couldn't tell his left from right and could barely count to ten but his brain is a perfectly programmed musical computer.

Press play or go to Link [YouTube, Part I] to see the amazing things Derek Paravicini, the musical genius, could do.

The rest of the clips: Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Link: The Human iPod, article at Daily Mail by Harry Mount - via LiveScience

Previously on Neatorama: 10 Most Fascinating Savants in the World

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