Damien Walters

(YouTube link)

Olympic gymnast Damien Walters does what (usually) only superheroes can do. Watch him show off his parkour moves and more! And don't miss the "stripping" sequence.

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by oezicomix.

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Tumbling or whatever it's called IS gymnastics - one of several disciplines. I have a friend here in Norway who used to do this. He would make a good stunt guy in martial art styles. But circumstances will change a bit on the acrobatics when they take away the mats. I guess movie companies might save a few bucks when they don't need to use wires for some of the stunts. :)
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He's excellent!


Check the Men's 3rd board, 5th place.

Kaitlyn, this guy is an actual gymnast.
You don't need to be bulky for that. I did gymnastics for a couple of years, and unlike other girls, I was tall (5"7 at the age of 12) and looked more like a ballet dancer than a mini truck-driver. Everyone has a different body.
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