The Man Who Sues

Despite being incarcerated at a federal prison in Kentucky, Jonathan Lee Riches has made it into the Guiness Book of World Records. He was named as the person who has filed the most lawsuit ever. So what did he do next? He filed a lawsuit against the folks at Guinness!
In the injunction filed in Richland, Riches – who acknowledges he is receiving treatment for mental-health problems – said: “The Guinness Book of World Records have no right to publish my work, my legal masterpieces.”

Those include lawsuits against New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick, former President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, Britney Spears and Martha Stewart, according to a Wikipedia page dedicated to Riches’ litigious exploits.

He’s also filed lawsuits against Plato, Nostradamus, James Hoffa, “Various Buddhist Monks,” the Lincoln Memorial, the Eiffel Tower and Three Mile Island.

In his latest court filing, Riches wrote about how he sued Black History Month, the president of Iran and butter substitute I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!

Link -via Arbroath

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Just out of interest, how far do these lawsuits go? I mean, are they actually treated seriously? Are they taking time away from actual, real, lawsuits and other official court/lawer business?

Becasue if they are, thats just messed up.
"Im sorry sir, I haven't gotten round to dealing with your claim against the business that put toxic waste in your food because I've been busy dealing with this guy's lawsuit against the cloud that rained on him yesterday..."
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