A Little Mardi-Gras

(vimeo link)

Photographer Keith Loutit has mastered the art of tilt-shift photography-- that is, a technique requiring a special camera lens to impart the illusion that what you're looking at are miniatures, not life-sized human beings. When he locks the camera down and shoots hundreds of successive pics, it becomes a movie. He recently took his camera down to Sydney's Mardi Gras celebration to capture the doll-sized fun.

Over 300,000 people lined the route of this years Mardi Gras parade, which marched up Oxford and Flinders streets in Sydney's inner-city Darlinghurst this Saturday.

If you were there on the night: I tried to capture as much as the event as possible.

Just think: once, filmmakers used models and stop-motion effects to try and make scenes look like they were real. Now filmmakers are taking actual footage and using effects to make it look like a stop-motion claymation project! http://keithloutit.com/2009/03/10/happy-mardi-gras/

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by mrbabyman.

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Newest 5 Comments

That's amazing. It's almost like stop motion. Also the editing is fantastic with all the different angles and matching the tempo to the song. I've done something similar to this and I know how annoying it can be to align all the images to make it flow and match the beat of the song.
This video put a big smile on my face. =D
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