Non-Reversing Mirror

Andrew Hicks, a mathematician at Drexel University, have created a mirrored surface that is bent in a way so the image you see is not reversed (not a mirror image).

From the New Scientist:

By calculating how to vary the way each of tens of thousands of points on a mirror's surface reflects light he can create mirrors that do amazing things. For example, reflecting text without reversing it or capturing a full 360ยบ scene without distorting objects.

Link - via geekologie

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by philosophile.

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After reading a book called The King in the Window, I have become obessed with getting a true mirror. If you want to see a better look at a true mirror go to! They definitely take the cake!
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How is this different from truemirror GeneAriani pointed out? I saw on these in their old nyc show years ago and it was strange. Their site claims the method was patented in 1887.
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@GeneAriani. The mirror shown at the site that you link to appears to be a right-angle "pair" with the crease smoothed out. Go to the "to order" page to see other samples. Andrew Hicks' mirror is not a right-angle mirror.
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