Taxidermy Fashion

Designer Bruno Frisoni presents a pair of shoes that will set you back $43,000!
The Dovima, as the shoe is known, is beautiful (and slightly creepy) thanks to the rose pink-dyed taxidermy birds perched delicately on each toe. Each stuffed bird also has a crystal-encrusted head and is further complemented by 24 ct gold-coated mesh, silk, ribbons, and crocodile-skin rosettes. Plus every pair comes with special protective crocodile or snakeskin platforms that attach before you wear them to keep the shoes from ever touching the ground.

Link -via J-Walk Blog

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I think thet are beautiful! theres a company making taxidermy jewelry from recycled animal parts from deceased animals. Very cool.
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Get me a pellet gun, some payless heels, a little glitter, and some glue, and I'll make you a pair for $2.50.

Ray- would've gone over better if you mentioned, like, a dodo or a velociraptor
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