Suddenly, 14 Children

A woman gave birth to octuplets in California on Monday. Seven of the babies are breathing on their own, and all are expected to survive. The mother already had six children, the oldest only seven years old!
Although the successful births at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Bellflower have received worldwide attention, they also have prompted disapproval from some medical ethicists and fertility specialists, who argue that high-number multiple births endanger the mother and also frequently lead to long-term health and developmental problems for the children.

Under the guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, U.S. doctors normally would not implant more than two embryos at a time in a woman under the age of 35. After that age it is more difficult to become pregnant. The mother of the octuplets is believed to be 33, based on available public records.

Doctors were surprised by the eighth child, as they only knew about seven of them. Link

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While I don't necessarily approve of people having large families, I don't criticize them either. However, why would someone go to a fertility clinic to have ANY children when she couldn't even support herself?! I understand mistakes happening through normal intercourse, but this is deliberate abuse of a system.

I'm part of the "working poor" with no insurance for my 2 children born in wedlock when financial times were good and we owned our own home. I can barely now pay rent, put food on the table, and would never even consider bringing another life into this household that I can't currently support.
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I own several rental houses. Whenever I have a change of occupancy I need to have the property inspected to ensure that it is safe and up to code. This, so that I can obtain an occupancy permit and offer it for rent. When the permit is granted it always has a note that the property is limited to a maximum of x amount of people. For my 3 bedroom house the max is six. What if her municipality has similar limits?
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Dave - I clearly said that she /didn't/ have to take any notice. What I was objecting to is the attitude that it's never OK to criticise other people. I'll criticise whoever I want.
You asked "who are we all you say she shouldn't" and I told you.
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Who cares if she wants to have 59 children! It's her life, and if she wants to have them, let her! Pittsburgh Steelers player James Harrison is one of 14 children and no one is complaining about his mother having too many children! Get a life - this is NOT China!
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