Archive for January 26th, 2009

Get Ready to Add the Buzzball to Next Year’s Wish List

Grab your barf bag and get ready to strap yourself into the Buzzball. Best described as a hamster ball for humans, the Buzzball delivers a unique rollercoaster ride where the pilot is in complete control of the ride expe...

Scientist Designs Program to Translate Alien Languages

If Little Green Men are one day discovered they’re certainly not going to speak fluent English. Scientists fear this may make any alien contact impossible to understand and could create some very awkward circumstan...

Safety Graphic Fun

I am so obsessed with safety graphics--those little pictographs showing, quite graphically, what will happen to you and your body part  if you get too close, operate machinery incorrectly or stand in the wrong place...

Heart Shapped Cucumbers

These cucumber growing molds from Japan are so fun! They would be great for bento boxes or in salads and sushi. I bet you could also use them for zucchini. I want one! LinkFood, fruit, cooking, yummy, gardening, cucum...

Watermelon-Flavored Freud Lollipops

Archie McPhee is known for its weird stuff, but this is really weird. I'm sure Freud himself would have something to say about it. But hey, if fruity Austrian psychoanalysts on a stick aren't for you, there's always ch...

An Escape-the-Room-Game: Vision

Vision is another escape-from-the-room game, sure, but it's pretty. Be sure to examine every nook and cranny - you're going to need keys or combinations to open almost everything. And take note of the shapes of things....

Futuristic Billboards to Transform L.A into Blade Runner Dystopia

The retro-fitted futuristic world of the film Blade Runner starring Harrison Ford may not be as far away as one might think. Director Ridley Scott’s sci-fi classic dealt with such classic questions of &ldq...

Sleeping Puppy Can-Can Line

This is justs precious. I like to think of them dancing in this same formation when they grow up. LinkPictures, Cute, animals, puppies, dogs, poses...

Fruit Sticker Art

By day Barry Snyder is an Erie, Colorado handyman. But in his spare time he is a unique artist who has garnered media attention from across the country. For over 30 years Barry has collected Price Look Up stickers to use...

Up & Coming Indie Filmmakers

[YouTube - Link]Poking around Fangoria's site I stumbled upon something seemingly out of the ordinary - a short film review of an unknown film by an unknown filmmaker. The short called "The Night Shift&...

The Oft Overlooked Art of Sound Design

The crack of Indy’s whip, the bleep-blips of R2-D2, and the asthmatic breathing of Darth Vader. These unique and memorable sound effects are all products of an often overlooked art form – the art of sound des...

Growing Jewelry

Last I checked basic jewelry offers a vast multitude of stylish, and some not-so-stylish, rings for consumers to choose from. We have promise rings, mood rings, earrings, engagement rings, wedding rings, class rings,...

5 Celebrities With Depression

Being a depression sufferer myself, I find it interesting and inspiring to see people deal with their chronic depression. I love seeing what people can do with their lives, despite the agonizing pain they have had to cop...

ViewMaster Artist

Everyone has used, seen or, at least, heard of a ViewMaster, the most classic of classic toys. For decades children have peered through the plastic ViewMaster binoculars and been transported to other worlds. As a kid,...

Whitey's Lindy Hoppers

I feel like this clip was sped up, but as evidenced by the people moving at normal speeds in the background, it's not. These people are just that amazing. I'm a little tired just watching them! This was from a 1941 fi...

Hover Chair

Hoverit Ltd, a British company, has introduced the first piece in its line of magnetic ‘hover’ furniture. Dubbed ‘The Lounger’, the chair is built by hand and defies gravity through the use of rep...

The Musical Stylings of Dr. House.

[YouTube - Link]Before Hugh Laurie became the legendary House, he got his start in comedy, including Blackadder and his own show with Stephen Fry aptly titled A Bit of Fry and Laurie.  His show wit...

Iranian TV Calls Harry Potter 'Zionist Plot'

If you can say nothing else about J.K. Rowling, it's that she really knows how to irritate religious people:Iranian state television has come to the conclusion that Harry Potter is a Zionist plot. The documentary, wh...

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Yes, that's right, just what you always wanted... apocalyptic horror in your Austen. I know I'll be ordering one for every middle school student I know.Pride and Prejudice and Zombies features the original text of...

3 Guitars and 1 Tractor Playing Sweet Georgia Brown

[YouTube - Link] This ain't just any tractor ... It plays in a quartet alongside three guitarists to perform Sweet Georgia Brown. - via audioporncentral From the Upcoming Queue, submitted by music,...

Sleeping with Scorpions

A Thai woman who calls herself the Scorpion Queen spent the last 33 days in a glass-walled room filled with 5,000 scorpions, successfully breaking her own world record for being cooped up with the venomous creatures. Â...

The Neatorama Upcoming Queue

Hello everyone! On New Year's Day, I wrote about a big surprise that's coming to Neatorama. Well, today's the big day. I'm very excited to introduce a new and very neat feature on the blog: the Neatorama Upcoming Queue.Y...

The 5 Ugliest Eco-Cars

Beauty is very subjective, and what someone will find beautiful someone else will find ugly, or just "meh". There's nothing scientific about it, or even very serious, but here are some eco-cars that we might like i...

Never Say Please to Mother

The clash between Chinese and Swedish table manners highlights how different cultures define politeness and intimacy. Dr. Martin Rundkvist of Aardvarchaeology is married to a Chinese immigrant to Sweden. Her life entails...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Get Sued!

53-year-old Eddie House of San Carlos, California recycles, composts, and finds homes for his discarded items. He reduced his household waste to the point that he cancelled his garbage pickup service last year. His rewar...

The Ninth Annual Edwardian Ball

The annual Edwardian Ball in San Francisco pays homage to author Edward Gorey. SF Weekly has photos from the ball held Saturday, with commentary in rhyming alphabet, Gorey-style! Link -Thanks, Janine Kahn!...

14-year-old Patrols Chicago

Police are investigating how a 14-year old boy passed himself off as a Chicago police officer for an entire shift. When he showed up for work in uniform, the teen was assigned a patrol in a squad car. He never drove or h...

Ralph Wiggum

Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss deals with a character from The Simpsons. Of all the brilliant characters the writers of The Simpsons have gifted to popular culture over the years, Ralph Wiggum is one of th...

Diversity of (Logging Machinery) Species in the Rainforest

To bring attention to the destruction of rainforests worldwide, German environment conservation group OroVerde and ad agency Ogilvy came up with this tongue-in-cheek poster depicting the various of logging machinery &quo...

From Tree to Toothpick in 15 Seconds!

Talking about logging machineries, take a look at this harvester that can cut, delimb, and cross cut logs in seconds! Link(Note: this particular machine, built by AFM Harvester, seems to be operating in a tree farm, not...


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