Table of Condiments

If you're anything like me, you can open your fridge and immediately find several condiments you haven't used in months... maybe even years. I know we have a bottle of soy sauce lurking in ours that's probably from, oh, 2007. According to the Table of Condiments That Periodically Go Bad, that Kikkoman needs to be tossed immediately. Cheez Wiz, however, has an indefinite shelf life. Scary. If you're wondering about some of your condiments, check it out - it has a total of 75, so the odds are pretty good that you'll find your answer.

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Terrific post Stacy. I don't know if all the items were ones kept in the fridge. I never keep peanut butter there. Same for grated Parmesan cheese until I read on the container it would taste better if kept there. Being set in my ways I go by the simple rule if it doesn't have any fuzzy stuff growing on top it's okay to eat. GGG Bout only time that happens is on chip dip. A sub rule of mine is canned goods and things in the freezer will out last me. But I did toss a large bag of unopened cooked shrimp last night that had been there for ages. Almost brought a tear to my eye. GG

Speaking of things going bad. Have any oldsters noticed how milk doesn't curdle nearly like it used to? That is a GOOD thing. Nothing worse than lumpy milk. gggg

They aren't condiments but potato chips usually last forever. They go stale but I imagine when something is coated in salt it lasts a long time.

Oh yeah, I really enjoyed all the comments. We have some smart people here!

Brian, I used to always use the Kraft Parmesan until I got a container of their Parmesan & Romano by mistake. I loved it and now it's what I always get. I highly recommend you give it a try.
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This is not really accurate at all, Honey is actually the only food that never spoils, so the fact that it is on the list makes the whole list suspect. Now Vegemite, whilst the rest of the world hates it is the king of spreads(esp with cheese) but it lasts longer than 2 months, or the 750Gm jar I have in the pantry would be gone months ago, ditto the peanut butter, so basically the validity of this whole list is being called into question.
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