Big Brown At Your Service

Tired of late deliveries with FedEX, Postal Sevices, DHL or even Purolator? Then get UPS to do the job quick and cheap. "Here's your porcelain figurine collection ma'am...have a nice day"! - via LiveLeak

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True, it could have just been clothing, but many times I've ordered bracelets, watches, or other little accessories that get placed with jeans or t-shirts, and chucking a soft package like that can definitely damage a smaller item. Those bags aren't really padded, so yeah, this behavior def. is in bad form. Take the extra 60 seconds to jog it to the door and jog back to the truck, come on.
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I buy a gazillion things each year off the internet and have a lot of experience with every delivery company you can imagine. Over all I have to say they all do a terrific job. Has it always been perfect? No, but considering the volume they handle I'm quite happy. I had a VERY close call many years ago with a USPS delivered package. It was a $500+ radio receiver and for some reason it was left by my garage door. A few feet to the left and I would have run over it when I backed my car out. UPS once delivered a package to a completely incorrect address. Don't remember how, maybe they finally called me, but I found out the address and went to go pick it up. What ticked me off more than anything was the idiots had opened it. Now don't you think if you got an unexpected package you would check the address on it first? My USPS carrier is a real sweetheart and does a fabulous job. I will miss her dearly when ever she retires. What I've taken forever to say is no company is perfect. If I had numerous problems I would complain loud and clear until it is corrected. If they won't correct it make sure you never use them for incoming package delivery. Otherwise enjoy the normally excellent service.
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I guess I just have good luck with my UPS guy. It probably does not hurt that I live in a rural area and know his name,and have taken the time to get to know a little about him.
And that looks very much like a clothing item. I had thought it was such, before I had even gotten to Miles' post.
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