Man Tried to Pay Parking Ticket with Toilet Paper Check

Remember the New Jersey man who tried to pay his traffic ticket with pennies? Well, in a courageous display of one-upmanship, here's what one British guy did: he paid his parking ticket with a check written on a toilet paper!

It was a very British protest - cocking a snook at overbearing authorities while staying within the law. But Dick Roper's glow of pleasure at using two sheets of toilet paper to write a cheque for a parking ticket was short lived.

Although Her Majesty's Court Service said they would accept the £30 cheque, they demanded an extra £15 to cover the fee for cashing it.

When the 63-year-old grandfather refused, he was dragged to court for non-payment of a fine. He took advantage of his day in court by reading out a letter he sent to the Court Service in which he described the police community support officer who slapped a ticket on his car as a 'snake'. Everyone, including the judge, was laughing as he described the man 'slithering' home at the end of the day 'to digest the evil he had done'.

The judge in Mr. Roper's case had a sense of humor:

When the district judge asked what he would have done if a customer had paid with a cheque written on toilet paper, he replied: 'I would pay the cheque in and send them a receipt on toilet paper.'

Link - via Blue's News

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SparkS - Precisely. As an American living outside of America, it surprises me how much spark and individualism we have lost even since I was a kid. You tend to see it more when you leave the country. This generation growing up is soft and sheep-like, but I will shush before I start chasing kids off my lawn. ;)

Besides, didn't someone write a check on the side of a cow once, or is that just my imagination?

liphttam1- In the US, it's a check, but in the UK, it's a cheque.
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