Melting Man Wants YOU to Fight Global Warming

Photo: Red Cross of Argentina

This is a pretty clever guerilla marketing by the Argentinian Red Cross: a "melting" man passing out fliers urging spectators in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to fight global warming.

Link | Photo via [in Portuguese] - Thanks Adam!

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That guy symbolises the cause he hands out flyers for so well.

On the surface the data shows that there is a melting, but really it's all rhetoric, he's crouched down underneath in a hollow set of fake steps.

Warm is the new Cool. But even moderate people are getting sick of this crap now.. for some real facts check out Penn and Tellers Bullshit Environmental Hysteria -

Getting environmental campaigners to sign a petition banning dihydrogen monoxide - classic!

The environmentalist movement has been infiltrated by anti-globalist anarchists and has been for a long time. This is why Patrick Moore left Greenpeace.
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It's funny...the only thing that seems to be melting right now is this guy. Meanwhile, north Arctic ice is increasing at an incredible, record pace, and the antarctic ice sheet has been growing for the last year and a half.
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