I've certainly heard of training dogs, cats, parrots and almost every other animal under the Sun to do tricks but trained mice is something new to me. This little video presents Brain Storm who has been trained to run through a dastardly tough looking course. However, she prevails with the awesome Olympic Fanfare Theme by John Williams playing in the background to help her speed to victory and glory! Oh, and please don't get too squeamish over the mouse or the mousey leftovers on the table. ;)
And the judges have their score cards ready: 9.0, 9.0, 9.5, 9.0, 10.0! It's a new record!
More info on Brain Storm and other mice here - Link
Newest 5 Comments
Of course! The courageous Despereaux. Of course considering when I became acquainted with Algernon, he could be a distant ancestor of both of them. (ooooooooold)
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But will he pass the doping test?
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Relative of Despereaux ;)
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I just got my daily dose of wow. Thats why I love you neatorama. Amazing how there werent walls. He knew were to go as well as how to get there.
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But will he pick you up at the airport?
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