Famous People Who Were Homeschooled

Quick: what do Agatha Christie, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Woodrow Wilson and Mozart got in common? They're all homeschooled!

Here's a neat quickie article at our pal mental_floss about 10 famous people who were homeschooled. For example:

1. Agatha Christie. Agatha was a painfully shy girl, so her mom homeschooled her even though her two older siblings attended private school. [...]

4. If Thomas Edison was around today, he would probably be diagnosed with ADD – he left public school after only three months because his mind wouldn’t stop wandering. His mom homeschooled him after that, and he credited her with the success of his education: “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint.”

5. Ansel Adams was homeschooled at the age of 12 after his “wild laughter and undisguised contempt for the inept ramblings of his teachers” disrupted the classroom. His father took on his education from that point forward.

Link - via i met a possum

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Well, to the one who posted the list of famous LIVE people who were home schooled....thanks, but I would like to see some who were home schooled are like famous live politicians or doctors or something of greater value that the Williams sisters and Dakota Fanning. No offense to them, but they were home schooled because they were playing sports all over the place or on a movie set...and we really have not seen any results of their academics impacting humanity or anything.........anyhow I was having trouble finding famous important contributors.
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To Jeffers:
Venus and Serena Williams, Dakota Fanning, Gloria Steinem, Evan Rachel Wood, Tim Tebow, Alan Alda, Yehudi Menuhin, HRH Queen Elizabeth II, and many, many more.
See http://www.knowledgehouse.info/famous.html
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I was home-schooled in in childhood. My little brother has Asperger's. When we moved, we were enrolled in public elementary school. No offense if any aides or special education workers are reading this, but at my school, they sucked at their job. My little brother withdrew even further, terrified because he was bullied. We began home-schooling again, and it's been great. I started college at 16, and my little brother has improved splendidly, exceeding everyone's expectations. Home-schooling is a topic near and dear to my heart.
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