Counting Fingers and Toes

A baby born in Leizhou, Guangdong province, China has eight toes -on each foot! The unidentified newborn also has ten fingers, but no thumbs. Doctors say the odd arrangement could be genetic, or could have been caused by environmental pollution. Link -Thanks, Ross!

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in general this would neither be genetic nor environmental, but has to do with vagaries in the development of the fetus. When these kinds of issues are serious, the mother has a miscarriage. In non-serious cases like the above, the baby survives. Do not make this a bigger deal than it is, and support children who may look different than you.
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and this little toe ate melamine candy, and this little toe ignored the health needs of a large percentage of the population, and this little toe supported the Three Gorges dam, and this little toe couldn't breathe the air in Beijing, and this little toe asked her friends to watch this movie so they could cry wee wee wee all the way home...
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