Who Gets the Money?

A contractor finds a stash of cash inside a wall. Who gets the money, the person who found it, the homeowner, or the descendants of the person who left it there? The fight over just such a case has left all three parties with little money. Bob Kitts found $182,000 in the wall of Amanda Reece's bathroom. When the two couldn't agree on how to split the money, the resulting publicity alerted the family of Patrick Dunne, who hid the money when he owned the house decades ago.
Reece testified in a deposition that she spent about $14,000 on a trip to Hawaii and had sold some of the rare late 1920s bills. She said about $60,000 was stolen from a shoe box in her closet but testified that she never reported the theft to police.

Kitts said Reece accused him of stealing the money and began leaving him threatening phone messages. Marcinkevicius doesn't believe the money was stolen but said he couldn't prove otherwise.

A court has divided the remaining money, but the exact details were not published. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hHJNCy_68fJtiIPaltzwBwynBdkAD94AUVCO0 -Thanks, Em!

(image credit: AP/Bob Kitts)

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Well, both are idiots. But what I wonder is how one spends Depression era banknotes (I guess she didn't just walk into the travel agency and pay her Hawaii trip with 1920s notes), and how much money they really were worth when adjusted for inflation.
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Mmm... Untaxable out-of-lawsuit liquid $60K went missing? How unfortunate!

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed”
Mahatma Gandhi
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She offered him 10% from the start, that is fair IMO but he wanted 40% so then the trouble started. She seems sort of shady because she says $60k was stolen from a shoe box but she did not report it to police. WTF?! If I'm missing one dollar I freak out.
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