1970's Dance Bands from Sweden

Yemii Pics has a collection of Swedish dance bands from the 1970's. Here you will find bands such as the Baracudaz, Teddy Boys and Tre BlÄ & En Gul (three blue and a yellow).


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The reason the Swedish dance bands ended up looking as kooky as they did was for tax reasons. They could only deduct stage clothing as an expense if those clothes were clearly not to be worn privately, thus the more outrageous the clothes were, the easier it was to convince the Swedish IRS of their deductability.

But for all that the clothes were insane, the music was (and still is) incredibly bland. It's as if someone had taken c-grade wedding bands as the template for an entire musical genre. Absolutely hideous and incredibly popular (although these days, they tend to dress less ostentatiously - I guess tax law changed).
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