AirKick: The Water Catapult

Dear reader: If doing fun stuff usually involve an adrenaline rush, then this post is for you! Here's AirKick, a "sport and adventure device" that sends you hurtling into (hopefully) the pool:

It propels participants through the air in a pre-calculated parabolic trajectory using a special combination of air pressure and water recoil technology. The participant sits in a specially constructed seat at the back end of the catapult arm and 3,2,1…Liftoff. He sets the device in motion himself by pushing a button. Approximately 60 Liters of water are then forced through a rocket nozzle under the seat. This pressurized water (8 to 10 bar of air pressure) propels the participant 8 meters (Ed note: 26 ft) though the air for a cool and refreshing splash down in a swimming pool.

Link - via Tell Me Something I Don't Know

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How ironic! With so many pools scrapping their diving boards for insurance reasons, it's a surprise to see this. It's like the cigar craze popping up in the middle of the anti-smoking era.

Ya just never know!
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Oh man, that looks like so much fun!! As for danger, this is way less dangerous than water skiing at 20-30MPH (which isn't really dangerous, and is also a whole lot of fun).
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