The Office/Bathroom Prank

When his co-worker went on vacation, Neatorama reader Howard and his co-workers turned his office into ... a bathroom! Here's the prank in all its YouTube-goodness: Link - Thanks Howard!

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Settle down, meggymoo. They work in advertising. And there's already too many jobs where people spend a good portion of their day pretending to work. If you're not working, you might as well not even pretend. Good morale at work fosters creativity, and creates an environment where talented people actually want to work.
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What on earth job do these guys have that they can spend all that time on turning work property into a loo! Bet they get paid loads as well. Its these happy, chirpy, not a care in the world types that make me so bitter. I bet there all "characters" too. I bet they say things like "im mad me" and "I just love being random!" Now if you dont mind Im going to torment a moth.
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