Do you ever kick your lawnmower in frustration when it won't start? Well, Keith Walendowski took it a step further when he got pissed at his lawnmower ... the inebriated 57-year-old man took a shotgun and shot it!
“I’ll tell you the truth,” a criminal complaint quotes an apparently inebriated Keith Walendowski. “I got pissed because my lawn mower wouldn’t start, so I got my shotgun and shot it.
“I can do that. It’s my lawn mower and my yard, so I can shoot it if I want,” Walendowski told police.
Shooting your lawnmower, unfortunately, voids the factory warranty: Link
"Some clown in Sacramento was dragged into court
He shot his lawnmower
It disobeyed, it wouldn't start
Might makes right, it's the American wayR
They fined him $60 and sent him on his way
You know, some people don't take no shit
Maybe if they did they'd have half a brain left"
The article says nothing about a prior record, but considering he wasn't charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm, odds are that if he'd filed the paperwork and got the tax stamp, he'd have saved himself the felony charge.
Tim, does a shotgun and a stun gun really constitute a "butt load"?