The Nietzsche Family Circus

He who is punished is never he who performed the deed. He is always the scapegoat.

The Nietzsche Family Circus is a randomized combination of Friedrich Nietzsche quotations and Family Circus cartoons -- usually with appropriate results. Link

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Nietzsche was a deep thinker. He was "different" A lot of his ideas and philosophy are being practiced today without people noticing. Even Christians themselves agree with some of the stuff that he says. How do I know this? Well, I have Christian friends and I read them a passage of Nietzsche's writing and they shake their head and say that some of his writing truly makes sense to them! Then I tell them he was considered an atheist. (I laugh quietly,btw). People swallow religion, education, and science without thinking. Nietzsche thought, and no that doesn't mean he is evil. The Nazi's interpreted his philosophy in the way that was most convenient for them!
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"surely that the whole of nazism was based on his philosophy"

Not true at all. He despised the extreme right wing Nazi precursors of his time. Clearly you are speaking from ignorance and have never read the man's work, as is the case with the fools who think it is "sad" or "sinister". Idiots.
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