
(YouTube link)

This is pretty neat! Using the principle of the old Zoetropes, this guy built his own 3D discs and rotated them with turntables.
In March 2007 at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London we hosted an evening of animation related events which I took as an opportunity to make some more examples of my Phonographantasmascope, an extension of the Zoetrope principle.

It is all live action and works by using the shutter speed of the camera rather than the rather irritating stroboscope methods other 3D Zoetropes use.

The music is "In the Lost and Found" by Elliot Smith. (via Arbroath)

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that was awesome! it's posts like these that make me wish i had stuck with learning to be an animator at school instead of moving into graphic design.
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That is so cool!!! I have no idea how it works, but the effect is fantastic!
Now I want to make one... all the zoetropes I've made before have been pretty basic though. Ah well. I might get better with practise.
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