I'm happy to announce that our VideoSift feature is back on again - here are the top 5 video clips at VideoSift from the past week that you've just have to see:
Star Wars Dance Off It's like Dancing with the Stars, where "Stars" mean characters from Star Wars and "dancing" means geeks flailing their arms about in a physical approximation of dancing. It's strange, but fascinating ... Link (includes the obligatory Thriller dance ... with Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers) |
Patrick Stewart "Secrets" Why do people give him a dirty look when he's out with Rod Stewart? And why is his favorite animal the bald eagle? Here's Patrick Stewart spilling his "secrets" on Conan O'Brien in this funny comedy skit: Link |
How Not to Shoot a Gun From the first segment: "I'm the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to carry this Glock 40," said the Federal Agent lecturing kids on gun safety, right before he shot himself in the leg! (What? Don't believe me? Here's the story.) Some people just shouldn't handle firearms, and this is why: Link |
Where's the Baseball? One of the strangest things that ever happened in baseball occurred in 1998 when the Chicago White Sox were playing the Houston Astros - check out this play where the ball - literally - "disappeared" from the game: Link |
How Exactly Do You Poop in Space? Here's a NASA video explaining how you go number 1 and number 2 in space ... So we designed a toilet that instead of gravity pulling everything into the toilet it has air flow .. there's air pulled down into the toilet ... sort of windy when you're sitting there but it pulls everything that comes out of your body...
Link |
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