Getting There

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I confess, this is a solution to a flat tire that I never considered before. Maybe it will work long enough for this guy to get to the garage. -via Unique Daily

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jmp478: it is usually sunny here, but because we are fairly far North we only get limited sunshine (and if you live in England, not even then U_U). In places like the south of France, Italy and Spain there is a lot more sunshine.

Also, I know this is sterotypical but FRENCH DRIVERS ARE CRAZY. Anyone who's ever been to the Marble Arch knows this (its actually illegal to cross there, and no insurance company will cover you there). While I've been in France I have seen: a car skid around a corner so fast he left skid marks on the PAVEMENT (sidewalk), a car stopping in the middle of the road and the guy getting out and leaving it there, and a man doing a U-turn on a motorway. And a French guy I know who lives in England once left the handbrake off of his car and it rolled down the hill backwards for about half a mile before it came to a stop! French drivers don't really suprise me anymore...
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