The Biggest Drawing in the World

With the help of a GPS device and DHL, Erik Nordenankar created the biggest drawing in the world: a self-portrait in a planetary etch-a-sketch scale measuring approximately 40,000 km2!

17th of March 2008, I sent away a briefcase containing a GPS device with the express transportation company DHL. I gave them exact travel instructions, where to go an in what order. 55 days later the briefcase returned to Stockholm. The GPS automatically recorded the briefcase's journey around the world. The information was downloaded to my computer and gave me my drawing. Due to the GPS drawing technique and the magnitude of the drawing, the self portrait has to be made in only one stroke. That giant stroke passed through 6 continents and 62 countries, thus becoming 110 664 km long.

Now, fake or not (kind of hard to believe a DHL plane making those curly flight paths for the hair and so forth), it's still a cool idea! :)

Link - via Make

Update 5/28/08 - The designer had confessed that it was all a hoax:

DHL confirmed to the Telegraph that the artwork was an "entirely fictional project". A spokeswoman said they had allowed him to film in their Stockholm warehouse as part of a college project.


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if you scroll down there's video of him quickly freehanding the drawing and if you scroll down to the bottom of the page it says "This is fictional work. DHL did not transport the GPS at any time "

...which begs the question "what the fuck?"
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Could have at least centered the drawing over the land areas, so it would be more believable that DHL had made stops there, as opposed to a DHL plane making loop-the-loops out over the Atlantic.

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Yeah, I love those curlycues in the North Atlantic, Greenland Sea, and Norwegian Sea. Were the DHL pilots on acid?

What a total fake. And Erik Nordenankar is a total douche nozzle.
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