A Town called Dildo.

Dildo [Wikipedia] is a town on the southeastern Dildo Arm of Trinity Bay on the island of Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. It is about 100 kilometres west-northwest of St. John's.

Dildo has a fast-growing tourist industry. Dildo offers picturesque scenery, several bed and breakfasts, eating establishments, the Dildo Museum interpretive centre, the Historic Dildo Days celebration in August, boat tours, the Society of United Fishermen, the Lions centre, several heritage structures, walking trails, many businesses and, of course, the road sign souvenirs.

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As funny as it sounds it still exists. I've never been there myself but I do live on the island where it is.
It's been called Dildo for 300 years. Where did the "artificial penis" get it's name I wonder.

Either way I was pretty amused to find this here lol.
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