...And the Knork Ran Away With the Spoon

You're familiar with the spork, sure, or "foon" if you will, but how about the Knork?


photo from knork.net

Check out a review of the knork and other utensil hybrids at the Washington Post, link via slashfood.

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Knorks are great! I can't eat with regular forks they are funky and don't work - it's a better fork. Next time you go to a restaurant watch how many people tip their forks on their sides to cut through foods. It's genious!!
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We had these in Australia over 50 years ago, but our were called Splades (or Splayds). By the 70s they were considered to be incredibly daggy and no one would admit to having them. More details (and a photo) here: http://www.legendfeelco.com.au/whatever.htm
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