Wind Generator Accident

Here’s an industrial scale wind powered generator in Hornslet near Aarhus Denmark that broke apart due to high winds.

Link: Youtube

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Sofar: "I don’t think there are any anti-environmentalist sites linking to this video. I don’t even know of any websites whose owner would describe as “anti-environmentalist.” "

You don't know about then?
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This type of accidents and other will hapend again .
This concept of wind tubine belongs to the past.
Soon another new type and concept of wind turbines will replaced this old type.
It will be named ''TORNADO TYPE ''with vertical axe and will be protected with two complete new sistems ,
who did not alowed to the movig parts to exit from sistem , even in case of accident .
The concept will aloud also to use another type
of clean energy sources , and for this case the global eficiency can increase about 6 times .
Is possible that this system will be developed in Romania , for the first time.
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@PT: That's pretty cool.
@Saskboy: I don't think there are any anti-environmentalist sites linking to this video. I don't even know of any websites whose owner would describe as "anti-environmentalist." I don't even know of anyone against wind power. I think y'all just naturally assume there's constant a calvalcade of people looking to thwart your every move.
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What a sad world we live in. The anti-environmental sites on the web are linking to the video as a supposed demonstration of why wind power isn't good. Yet they leave it up to their readers to draw their own conclusions, supposedly.
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