18-year-old Laura Moon recently found out she has four naturally occurring kidneys in her body! The condition is rare but not unheard of. She only found out when she had a medical scan after a car wreck. Laura wants to donate two of the kidneys to those whose lives may be saved with a transplant.
Doctors say Laura should be able to donate two kidneys and remain healthy. Link -via Arbroath
(image credit: Ross Parry)
Laura, a customer services adviser from Leeds, said: "I think if I've got four, I don't need all four. Why not donate if there's someone else in need?
"I hope I can help somebody else while I am young. I will do everything in my power to become a donor."
Doctors say Laura should be able to donate two kidneys and remain healthy. Link -via Arbroath
(image credit: Ross Parry)
have done since birth.
doctors had no clue what was wrong with me except that i screamed a lot.
after a lot of test they finally figured it out.
mine are the same as lauras.
all four are fully functional and independant.
i wouldnt mind donating them,
if the chance arose.
i think it would be pretty amazing to know youve helped someone like that.
I am a 43yo woman suffrdd wetting be till 10 ( shame is the ultimate sleer) I coped it from all sides mum, dad doctors you name it. found out I had 3 kidneys, ok fine lved with that till 18..... swet
I got pregnany with my first child......................what happened ZI had a ULTRA SOUND well to my surprise I now have at 18 years old 4 fully operational kidneys...................
Tell me 20 odd years have gone by and I still Pee prefusely as an adult, I caNT DRINK AFTER SAY 8 AT NIGHT IF i DONT WANT TO BE UP ALL NIGHT.
I am happily married wih 3 children and 4 grand children.
I have met a lady who share the same hobbie as me and in passing she tells me she hyas a kidney disorder............... Oh My Word............
now what do I do?????
Anyone who has insight into this problem please dont be shy or dis misss my request I need help.
what do I do?
I am blood incompatable with my kids and husband., as in when i had my children I had to have an injection straight away as our blood may have mixed, what ddddoes this mean.
My personal email address is
Please if htere is nayone else like me or has a insight on to what I should do please let me know. I do not check this site so use the address I have provided if you can give me input.