Germs and You

(College Humor link)

Run! Run for your lives before the germs get you, too! -via Gorilla Mask

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Ahh - so this was the one. There was a story on BBC Radio One about using Super Glue (Crazy Glue) to heal up a wound because he'd seen a video on the internet about how it killed germs - seriously! (And super glue is used on some wounds to bind the edges together)
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Was that Roy Disney at 0:04? Excellent clip.

It reminds me of a story, probably a UCSF legend, that when Herb Boyer (then UCSF professor and co-founder of Genentech) was working on subcloning, he was asked by the San Francisco mayor what he did with his DNA experiments after he was done. Herb said that he flushed it down the drain. The mayor was visibly alarmed that there were now DNA - D N f-ckin' A - in his city's sewer system!
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