Archive for January 15th, 2008

Darth Vader is Coming to America

(YouTube link) James Earl Jones is larger than life in whatever role he plays. In this mashup, the audio from Coming to America is used for Darth Vader. Ahaa! -via I Am Bored...

King of the Rats Weighed One Tonne.

Fossil hunters have uncovered the greatest rodent that ever lived -- a one-tonne behemoth that bestrode the swamplands of South America some four million years ago. The skull of the extraordinary beast which meas...

Couple Reunited After 60 Years

Sixty years ago, Boris and Anna Kozlov were married for only three days before he had to ship out with his Red Army unit. When he returned, Anna and her family was gone - exiled to Siberia by Stalin's purges.Then one day...

Blood Pen

Bob Partington of Keystone Design Union designed this morbidly cheeky Blood Pen. The pen has a battery-powered mechanism to dispense blood drawn by a syringe. so for your next batch of important documents, don't just sig...

Fire Alarm Clock

For the really, really, really sound sleeper (or in case you want to wake up the entire neighborhood), Alan Parekh of Hacked Gadgets Forum cobbled together this masterpiece: an alarm rigged up to a fire alarm be...

Knitted Frog Dissection

Etsy seller CraftyHedgehog's knitting project is a blast from the (high school biology) past: a frog dissection, with a hand-knit frog and needle-felted innards!And as a touched of added realism, the piece isn't glued do...

If regular pies just aren't challenging enough...

...then try making this guy: It's a pecan pie-cosahedron from turkey tek at Instructables.  I can't even do simple swan origami, so this is definitely out for me.pie...

Leveraging Our Core Competencies to Dispose of Corporate Buzzwords We Loathe

If you're anything like me, there are certain business words or phrases in that will make you scream if you hear them uttered from anyone's lips just one more time.  Buzzword Bingo has swept across Corporat...

Depressing, Violent, and Tragic Nursery Rhymes

When we are little children, we know that most all the classic nursery rhymes and fairy tales are horrible stories (at least before they've been Disneyfied). Then we get over it and forget the awful imagery, until we bec...

Dead Man's Chest

Have you ever wondered about the song "15 Men on a Dead Man's Chest"? The chorus originated in Robert Louis Stevenson's story Treasure Island. Fifteen men on the dead man's chest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of...

Vlad the Impaler

Before the 1972 TV show In Search of Dracula, few people outside of Romania had heard of Vlad the Impaler. Even now, many think of the 15th century ruler as the inspiration for the Dracula character. He wasn’t...

The Potrzebie System of Weights and Measures

In high school, would be computer scientist Donald E. Knuth (later known as the "Father of Analysis of Algorithm), developed a Potrzebie System of Weights and Measures, after a running gag in Mad magazine....

9 People Who Died Laughing

From The Book of Lists by David Wallenchinsky and Amy Wallace, here is the 9 People Who Died Laughing. For example:1. CALCHAS (Greek soothsayer, c. 12th century BC)Calchas, the wisest sooths...

Mohandas Gandhi LEGO Minifig

The Brothers Brick blog is starting what I believe will be a very neat series: historical figures ... in LEGO minifigs!This one, if you haven't guessed it already, is Mohandas Gandhi.Link...

Part Dinosaur, Part Crocodile

Palaeontologist Emily Rayfield of the University of Bristol used computer modelling to show that the dinosaur Baryonyx, which skull looked like it was part-crocodile, actually did eat like a modern day croc. *e...

100 Greatest Christian Fundamentalists Quotes

Here is the Top 100 greatest quotes culled from fundamentalist Christian chat rooms, as compiled by FSTDT (Fundies Say the Darndest Things!) forum. Like this gem, for example:One of the most basic laws in the univers...

The Golden Rules of Online Gaming

Online gaming - meaning playing actual shoot-'em up games and the like, not gambling - may be big business but to its fans, it's also serious business.So, in order to avoid newcomer ("noob") faux pas,...

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