Mashup of the Billboard Top 25 of 2007

DJ Earworm has taken the Billboard Top 25 songs of 2007 in the United States and mashed them all up into a 5 minute long song The United State of Pop.

I don't know what is sadder, that I only know like one or two of the Top 25 songs or that the mashup is probably better than the individual tracks! (yes, you can listen to it) - Thanks Widgett Walls!

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Sounds a lot like Girl Talk, if you like this you should check him out. It's a bit like this but more up-beat, catchier, and samples from sources from the past 5 or so decades
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What's sad is that these songs (most of pop recently) is so DARN homogenous that a mashup like this can be made!

I can't wait for pop to get past the 'hiphop' slump it's been stuck in for a deckade or so and has more variety (hip-hop is fine, but i'm sick of everyTHING being R&B and all videos abeing about the bling and hoes.)
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