Jelly The Cat Cheats Death

This is one of the lucky cat! Nine-year-old Jelly was spotted by owner Wendy Wallis walking around with a copperhead snake wrapped around her neck and immediately called wildlife rescuers to have the snake removed.

"Both the cat and the snake seemed quite happy," Ms Wallis said. "She didn't show any signs of a bite last night, but this morning she was almost paralysed".

"She is currently at the Montrose vet at the moment being pumped full of anti-venom, but the vet says she'll recover fully."

Ms Wallis said she snapped the picture through a glass door, but didn't dare open the door as the cat would have walked inside.

Jelly may well be thinking "One life down, eight to go!"

Via: Mercury

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In terms of the snake debate you both are technically correct. Although the snake is a copperhead it is not the perhaps more well known AMERICAN copperhead. It is rather an AUSTRALIAN copperhead
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That snake is a colubrid. There are no venomous colubrids in North America. Copperheads are vipers. Learn your snakes, it could save your life and keep you from looking like a dumb bitch.
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aww poor cat :( and that is definitely a copperhead.
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Google "Southern Copperhead" and you will see EVERY PICTURE of the snake shows a patterned snake, and that snake is clearly not. I am no expert on snakes either, but alas, internet proves otherwise. One way or another. Lucky cat because that COULD have been a copperhead or worse.
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