Flying Spaghetti Monster Holiday eCard

Bobby Henderson of the Flying Spaghetti Monster fame would like to wish you a Happy Holiday... You can send the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Holiday e-Card (artwork by Andrew Shaffer) here: - Thanks Bobby!

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Have you heard the good news? Diner is served!!

This is a joyous illustration indeed. Noodlemas belongs to the noodlely one. It's a disgrace how the heritics try to steal his glory.

I can't believe the ridiculous claims of the heretical "religions". They admit the existence of a supreme being yet insist that it is the same as us, Pasta please, what an asinine claim.

They also clumsily try to eat their "gods" in crude imitation of the true religion. Now I ask you, what is more saviory; human flesh and blood, or spaghetti and meatballs.

We Pastafarians challenge all heathens to a Blind Faith Test. When you overcome your cowardace and accept, then the great Holy Food Fight can begin. In the end, all latent Pastafarians will be forced to admit the truth and become Pastafarians Proper. Only then will FSM reveal himself fully in the flesh, sauce and pasta. Then we will we all be able to partake of him directly in his blessed dining Hall of Balsalla.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one true god you might as well just admit it now, because we know you know.

In the name of the pasta, the sauce and the holy meatball, RAmen.
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