Archive for December 3rd, 2007

Stormtrooper Pit Crew

I’m glad to see that the Stormtroopers found other employment after the Star Wars saga. Source -via Unique Daily...

Talking Boxes

(Live Leak link) An imaginative begger or a cheap busker? This was recorded at Union Square in San Francisco. -via Arbroath...

Chimps Beat College Students

In a study at Tokyo University, 5-year-old chimpanzees displayed better short-term memory than college students! That challenges the belief of many people, including many scientists, that "humans are superior to ch...

Switch Me Salt and Pepper

The Switch Me salt and pepper shaker has both salt and pepper in the same unit. You flip the switch to change from one to the other. Link -via Dump Trumpet...

Name That Theme Song

How well do you know your TV theme songs? Test yourself with this quiz. Choose from 10, 20, or 30 rounds. I scored 585 in 10 rounds. And I don’t even watch TV! Link -via the J-Walk Blog...

Weird Abandoned Structure in the Russian Forests

This strange looking abandoned structure was, as the English Russia website put it, "shot by some Russian guy in the forests of Russia". Anyone who knows what it is? A transformer station, props from the upcoming X-F...

The 12 Days of Christmas

(YouTube link) You might remember the Mathematical Love Song by the Klein Four Group. From the same performance, here’s their imaginative arrangement of The 12 Days of Christmas. -via Educational CyberPlayg...

On/Off Coffee Mug

This clever mug automatically displays “OFF” when it is empty and ‘ON” when it is filled with coffee or tea. It is covered with a heat sensitive pigment which allows it to change from black to white or vice v...

Israeli Defense Force Dreidels

Hanukah/Chanukah/Hanukkah is a holiday about a Jewish military victory, so what better way to celebrate than using Israeli Defense Force Dreidels. Via Standing on the Wall. I've also posted a round up of fun Hanu...

World's Most Unusual Christmas Trees

This Christmas, don't go with that ho-hum, run-of-the-tree-farm tree your family always gets year after year. Try something new and unusual.... Like these 10 strange Christmas trees, for instance:Upside Down Christmas Tr...

Supply Side Jesus

John of Locust and Honey wrote: One of the ironies of human life is that greed and wealth are inherently at odds with Christian teaching, but it is only greed which creates wealth and only wealth that can give to t...

Quote: Wernher von Braun on the Best Computer

"The best computer is a man, and it's the only one that can be mass-produced by unskilled labor" - Wernher von Braun, rocket scientist (1912 - 1977)...

Circuit Board Christmas Ornament

Here are some eco-friendly Christmas ornaments that show off your geek cred: they're made from recycled circuit boards!Link - via GeekAlerts...

Man's Worst Nightmare

Jess Weixler starred in this strange movie coming out. It's a horror flick, but for a reason you'll find out, it has got Miss C behavin' badly:I saw it was a horror film. Then I laughed. Then I reminded myself itR...

Captain Jack Sparrow Plush Doll

Ooh, here's a cute gift idea for someone who loves Pirates of the Caribbean, a fan-made plush doll of Captain Jack Sparrow by Etsy seller with the appropriate name of piratequeen13!Link - via Super Punch...

DIY Hard Boiled Egg Peeler Machine

DIY: Eggstractor [Metacafe] I've always wanted to be one of those one-in-a-million, handy humans who can make this eggstractor hard boiled egg peeler machine! Here's the "hand" method on which the machine is base...

Kansas City Public Library

Photo: jonathan_moreau [Flickr]This public library in Kansas City, Missouri, has one seriously cool façade! From Deputy Dog:Local residents were asked to nominate influential books that represent kansas city,...

Does a Beard Keep You Warmer?

That is the question that Pete Hickey wanted to test scientifically when he conducted this experiment:People have been saying, "A beard keeps you warmer."Sure it sounds good, but has anybody ever r...

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