Giant clay bunnies!

New York City, 3.5 tons of clay, 40 animators and three weeks went into the making of this stop motion animation commercial for Sony Bravia. Well done! YouTube.

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I don't want to buy a tv. I do want a bunny now though. A pink one. =)

In all seriousness though, that was a commercial? I had to read five posts to figure out the product they were trying to sell me was a tv. Yeah, yeah , yeah create a buzz, viral marketing, whatever. Even the most buzzworthy internet sensations rarely translate into real world profits. Remember Snakes on a Plane?
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What I find odd is that Sony would choose to illustrate their point by using the very same Rolling Stones song that Apple used a number of years ago to accompany their commercial for their muti-colored first generation iMac.
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I bought three bravia tv's just because i like these commercials so much. I use one in my living room, one as a welcome mat outside and one as a counter-top.
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The goal of the makers of such a commercial is to get people talking about it.

Here it is now on this site and we are discussing it. We are all familiar with the previous two commercials (bouncing balls, painted council estate).

Viral marketing - create a buzz - get free press and word-of-mouth exposure.

I'll bet it is working for them.
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It was good at first, but this is the sort of commercial where you start thinking more about the mechanics than the concept.
Shots, like the people's reactions to the clay, were just filler.
A lot of the bunnies' movements were just repetitions of previous movements. You start to think that the first shots could have been done on-scene, but the rest could just as easily have been CGI, especially with the big street scenes.

And even if it was all done on-scene, stop-motion and all, you've lost interest.
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