Strange Ride

You would have to be totally insane to ride this amusement park ride. I bet they waited in line, too! Push play or go to Glumbert. -via Gorilla Mask

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yeah, that's germany alright.

those Jahrmarkt or Dom fests are something entirely different from american fairs. they transport some serious rides from town to town, stuff you'd expect at a stationary amusement park here.

here are some other mean rides:

I think these guys build'em:
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Me and my buddies call this one the beginner stage, because here in germany one crazy guy has the same machine, but both arms can swing at different speed AND directions, now that is a sickening experience
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This reminded me of a story my father in law told us about his friend, who one day made a pretty penny and decided that he'd make his childhood dream come true: he put one of those whirly carvinal ride in his backyard.

One day, he decided to ride his own personal ride but no one was home. No problem, he got on the cab and turned on the ride with a stick. He had done this before many times, except this time, he dropped the stick and was stuck on the ride for something like 5 hours before someone heard his scream and turned the ride off!
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They had one just like it at Geauga Lake in Ohio and it was pretty fun but too short of a ride because they didn't let it go that long to get the spinning going! And if you had too many fatties on board you'd be lucky to spin once! looks like they purposely weighted the riders in good positions to get the good spin going.
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