Big in Japan: Billy Blank, Fitness Guru

Japan is in the midst of a "Bootcamp" craze that swept through the US a couple of years ago.

Neatorama reader Gaijin-san wrote:

Japan has discovered exercise guru Billy Blanks and is in the midst of a "Billy's Bootcamp" craze. Billy is trying to fill his pockets with as much cash as he can get out of his fad-like popularity in Japan, even releasing a "rap" song called BOOM BOOM WONDERLAND.

Apparently, Billy Blanks is more famous than the iPhone in Japan!

Link - Thanks Gaijin-san!

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Apparently, Billy Blanks is more famous than the iPhone in Japan!

That's because Japan and the rest of the tech-savvy world know that there are way better phones that have been out for years.

Omelettes are more famous than the iPhone in Japan.
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