Five graduate students are bicycling across Asia and Europe on a goodwill tour.
Starting September 15th of this year we will be biking across Asia and perhaps Europe. We will begin in Beijing, continue through India, and then proceed further West, if possible.
Along the way we will bike through rural areas and play music in villages. We feel that the people in these areas have a lot to teach us, and that this bike trip will be an excellent opportunity for spreading international good will on the local level. We also intend to advocate reducing carbon emissions and living slower-paced, more enjoyable lives.
You can follow their progress as they update their blog and photo gallery. -via Metafilter
What if your work happens to be promoting peace on the grassroots level, literally one step and one meal and one music jam at a time? Just because certain folks choose to work in an office or store doesn't mean there aren't other avenues of meaningful contribution in the world. Maybe there is a book or documentary film to come out of their experience. And in the whole process, during the trip and subsequently, who is to know the influence or the good to come of it? The lives they touch along the way; how their own lives will be shaped and changed.
Enriching ideas can come from unexpected places -- and have a way of taking root and growing.;jsessionid=3R3S1NAZ1X2NVQFIQMFCFFWAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2007/09/12/nwater112.xml
If you want a bike vacation - that's fine - just call it a bike vacation and not inflate it (and your egos) by calling it some world mission.