The Many Names of Mr. Clean

Mr. Clean - USA

Don Limpio - Spain

Maestro Limpio - Mexico

Mr. Proper - Europe and Eastern Europe

Monsieur Propre - France

Meister Proper - Germany
Mr. Clean [wiki] by any other name is one heck of a global cleaning product. Did you know that although most people think the guy is a genie (because of the bald head and the earring), the real Mr. Clean was supposed to be a sailor?

Update 9/15/07 - here are some more:

M. Net - French Canada
Thanks Algonkin!

Mastro Lindo - Italy
Thanks Pola!

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Does anybody know why in eastern Europe ‘M.Propre’ (as we call him, here) snaps fingers ?

seems he only does it in your part of the world. only thing I can think of, have you ever tried to snap your fingers if they're greasy? doesn't work too well. so either showing it's really really clean, or showing how quick it is to clean with Mr. Clean.
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Look at this picture of Britney Spears as Mrs Clean:


It says: "Mrs. Clean, B.S. makes my nose happy".
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As some other readers have mentioned, Don Limpio used to be called Mr. Proper in Spain. What they fail to mention is that sometimes bald men are still humurously still called Mr. Proper over here...
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