Internal Underwear.

"What we've done is build a silicon bra, insert it into the body and
attach it to the ribs and to the fascia. It's like a normal external
bra," he continues, "where a strip lies on the shoulder and attaches
around the body. We attach it to the ribs instead of to the shoulder,
and to the fascia in the lower part of the body."

Israel21c via Medgadget



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This sounded horrible and painful when I first read it. Then my underwire slid up when I reached across the desk and poked me in the armpit. As I was adjusting the wire, my shoulder straps attempted to make a break for my elbows. On a second reading......this might not be so bad.
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I would imagine inventing an internal bra is a sight easier than finding a cure for AIDS, cancer and other diseases.

As a chick with huge, bodacious tatas, I would sign up for this in a heartbeat! My back hurts less when they're supported, but I HATE wearing bras.
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