I Wonder Why I'm Not Catching Anyone ...

Found at The Humor Archives.

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funny picture, but you guys are taking it way to far. some people never break the law, some people always break it. some people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. yall need to give it a rest.
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Brayden. Don't call me an asshole because I suggested that Nora shouldn't break a perfectly reasonable law. And don't put words in my mouth. If you can find an unjust law that you're forced to abide by, and want to break, then you go ahead and break it. Don't act like so self-righteous.

If you don't like the system, then quit bitching about it, and change it. Maybe we should make all stop signs into yield signs. That way, people can just slow down at intersections. My, how you must suffer under that law.

I've gotten speeding tickets, and I've been ticked off about it, but I was breaking the law. I could eat my heart out all day long about all the other lawbreaking that goes unpunished, but why should I waste my time?

Like I said, you want to enforce the law, become a cop. If you don't, then quit whining and don't break the law - or if you must, break the law, but don't get caught.

Are you a troll, Brayden? You don't sound like a very friendly person.
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