A One-Storey Skyscraper.

I don’t know how feasible the idea of a single-story -storey skyscraper with one continuous corridor is, but it’s fascinating to think about. The building would be built in a spiral. If you walked around the spiral once, you’d be a level above or below where you started, taking neither stairs nor elevator. http://absidea.free.fr/wordpress/index.php/helix-a-1d-skyscraper-with-a-single-corridor/ -via Reddit

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I'm not moving into the top floor unless there's an elevator. carring boxes/groceries all the way up... &

PS This was a skit on Monty Python were the model breaks and the building leans {think Pisa tower} at a tilt then catches fire. Still better than the building kept up by hypnosis.
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I guess people couldn't have chairs with wheels on them, or every time they pushed away from their sloping desks, they'd roll away.

And it is spelled "storey" as in "second storey". But it can also be "story".

And if you thought that was confusing, in Italian it's spelled "piano".
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The University of Maryland considered one such design for it's Performing Arts Center in the 1990's. The building was designed by I.M. Pei and was far and away the best design...and the most expensive. After undergoing the usual bureaucratic nonsense they went with another, much more pedestrian design. Too bad.
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