Using Tigers as Props for Art and Charity.

Arnd Drossel built this giant steel cage and is rolling it 220 miles through Germany to raise money for psychiatric patients (how fitting). On his way, he rolled the ball into this tiger safari park as a publicity stunt. via Eduyayo

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Rolling cake? lol

Matt sounds like he's been surfing the Scientology web.

The comment "They could give them fake bills and it would not make any difference" shows an overwhelming lack of compassion or understanding. Let's hope the money goes to help get rid of such ignorance about mental health issues.
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What im interested to know is where does the money really go?

It says "to raise money for psychiatric patients" but im pretty sure they wont really give the money to the patients directly ( They could give them fake bills and it would not make any difference ).

So is the money for:

Brain surgery
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So, what's your point Matt? Shouldn't germans raise money for psychiatric patients because they had a fascist regime about 60 years ago?
I see... it's kind of obvious that the guy in this rolling cake thing took part in the murders...
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