Google Web History.

Google recently launched Google Web History, a service where you can access, search, and sort the places you’ve been on the web, even after you’ve deleted the browser history on your computer. Google’s ability to do so, which many were not aware of til this program launched, has some people worried about their searches becoming public. This cartoon from Geek and Poke portends what may come as the result. Note: this joke could work for any candidate of any party. Link -via Anil Dash

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I recently discovered this. Though I don't have a Google toolbar, Google saves my browsing history for browsing I do while logged in to Google, which I do when posting my Blogger blog. The Google history does not include anything when not logged in to Google.
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I find it interesting that the cartoonist chose a Democratic Clinton quip, ‘I smoked, but didn’t inhale,’ to describe a Republican candidate. Is it selective memory?
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