Super Paper Mario for the Wii.

The new Super Paper Mario for Nintendo Wii looks like fun! Random Good Stuff has the video clip: Link

Note: Kotaku has a story about Circuit City giving customer the runaround with their ad on Super Paper Mario.

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the only hard puzzles are where you have to do some random thing at some random location. all the logic puzzles i solved in seconds, and all the boss fights i beat easily in 1 try. this game is way too easy. i am not an expert at video games but i've cruised all the way to 7th world (out of 8) without being in danger at all
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I've played about halfway through this game now. Don't expect the full Super Mario Bros. experience out of this one (if you're looking for that, you'll be much happier with New Super Mario Bros. on the DS) but as a relatively light platformer with a decent (if throwaway) story behind it, it's not bad.
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